No additional comment is necessary about this editorial from the Dallas Morning News today:
Farm is masterful at working the legal system. For six years, it has
danced in and out of court to thwart the Texas insurance department's
order to refund millions to policyholders in alleged overcharges.
Farm says it has done nothing wrong and owes nothing. However, the
Office of Public Insurance Counsel, a state-funded advocate for
consumers, pegs the refund at about $1 billion. The state insurance
department's staff, whose commissioner, Mike Geeslin, eventually will
decide who's right, puts the cost at $350 million.
are right to find this galling. State Farm collects premiums and
conducts business as usual while policyholders continue to wait for
expected refunds.
wonders whether there is any real accountability for a big insurance
company when its rates are called into question. Before insurance
reform a few years ago, insurers complained of lengthy regulator
reviews that prevented them from charging new rates in a timely
fashion. So lawmakers loosened the reins and set up an appeals system
that they thought insurers would accept in good faith. Instead, the
result is marathon stonewalling.
Farm's action is a blatant challenge to the state's authority to
regulate rates. If the company prevails, no other major insurer whose
rates are called into question will ever again settle outside a
courtroom. For instance, Farmers Insurance recently filed for a rate
hike. Anyone believe that if its rate request is rejected, Farmers will
roll over quietly?
Rick Perry is expected to call lawmakers back into a special session to
decide the future of the Texas Department of Insurance, which wasn't
reauthorized during the just-completed regular session. In addition to
that work, lawmakers should fix this unfair review process.
Farm policyholders certainly are free to take their business elsewhere,
which could do more to promote insurance competition than any measure
regulators would demand. But shopping around now doesn't provide those
policyholders with satisfaction or refunds.
This is a mockery, and it must end.
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