Do you wonder who's contributing money to the various Texas political candidates? You can find out anything you want to know at the Web site of the Texas Ethics Commission. Here is the explanation from the site about how to use the database search tools:
Search Campaign Finance Reports
For Cash On Hand" run search and click on "View Reported Totals
The Texas Ethics Commission database contains data from campaign finance reports filed electronically with the Ethics Commission since July 2000. You may search the database for specific information, and you may also view, in PDF format, campaign finance reports filed electronically.
INTERNET AVAILABILITY: As a general rule, a campaign finance report that is filed electronically is available on the Internet within two business days after it is filed.
PAPER REPORTS: The database contains certain totals from reports filed on paper since July 2000. It does not contain detailed information about contributions and expenditures reported on paper reports. You should contact the Ethics Commission if you would like to obtain a copy of a paper report.
SIMPLE SEARCH: Use the simple search if you want to do a search based on a single criterion. For example, a search by filer name will produce a list of reports filed by the filer since July 2000. A search by contributor name will produce a list showing each time the name occurs as a contributor in a report filed electronically any time since July 2000.
ADVANCED SEARCHES: Use one of the advanced searches if you want to combine criteria in your search. For example, the Advanced Filer Search would allow you to generate a list of all judicial candidates and officeholders who filed the January 2003 semiannual report on paper.
SEARCHING FOR INFORMATION ABOUT A SPECIFIC CANDIDATE OR OFFICEHOLDER: Although a candidate or officeholder is not required to set up a specific-purpose committee, many candidates and officeholders do so. In order to make sure that a search produces reports filed by an individual as well as reports filed by a committee supporting or opposing the individual, you should search by last name only.
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